Timothy Hay
Timothy hay is the major emphasis of Ward Rugh, Inc. We are dedicated to protecting and developing the natural relationship that has existed between Timothy hay and the growing areas which we procure…the Kittitas Valley, Columbia Basin, Oregon, and Idaho. The story of this hay and the area in which it’s grown is an excellent illustration of the cultural and environmental harmonies that parallel the history and heritage of this exceptional Northwest agricultural region of the United States.
For 90 years, the domestic and export horse industry has looked to Ward Rugh, Inc. as a consistent supplier of premium quality hay for their horses.
Since the early 80’s, we have seen the demand for Timothy hay in Japan increase dramatically due to the realization by Dairy farmers that Timothy hay will help the Dairymen meet the butterfat requirements in the milk because of the natural fiber of Timothy hay. They have also proved to themselves that by feeding Timothy hay to their cows, the cows are healthier and will be more productive for a longer period of time.
Alfalfa Hay
In addition to Timothy hay, the second largest product we secure and process is Alfalfa. Alfalfa hay primarily moves to Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan and the Middle East. The majority of our Alfalfa supply comes from the Columbia Basin in Eastern Washington. However, over the past few years we have seen an increase in Alfalfa acreage in Ellensburg as well.
Other Products
We also market a limited volume of other forage products such as Sudan Grass, Oat hay, Oat straw and Orchard grass. Please inquire with us regarding availability, if you have any interest in these products.